Installation of Officers May 2013

Installation of Officers May 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - October 30, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday and Mid-World Series Everyone!
And… BOOOOOO – hApPy haLLoWeeN!!!!!

In the spirit of the Sharing and Caring Team and the message of IAWL, making a difference in someone else’s life and giving is a way to touch them forever. Believe or not, on FaceBook, I ran across this quote from Zig Zigler, “You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on life.” He’s right…. In a moment, a good deal can transpire. Those words in that moment we speak can encourage, reassure, support, praise, educate, and more. When we speak those words in that moment, we may not be aware of the impact it has to the other person. Just imagine the impact of the good deeds we do in ESA that follows the words in that moment! WOW…. 

Next week is the November State Council Board Meeting Weekend with the Annual Arts and Crafts Fair! I want to remind you of some of the information you need to know to attend and have a great time! 
So here you go…………..

Remember to send in your registration for the November State Council Board Meeting to District 6. Additionally, if you have not sent in your registration for the November State Board Meeting to District VI, please do so as soon as possible. District VI has arranged for a lunch on Saturday for an additional $12.00. So get that Registration sent in!

District VI has also set up a SYN Tournament for Saturday Night. I am attaching the registration form. The Bedford Fire Department will benefit from the profits made that evening. There is a $5.00 donation. And there is a three quarter requirement per game. The tournament begins at 8:00 pm. Turn in your form at the Registration Table, which I am attaching in this posting. Be there are be square!

Holiday Sweater Contest! Only a handful of folks have signed up to enter the Holiday Sweater Contest.  There is still time to let me know if you are planning to participate. With Halloween tomorrow, if you are anything like me, you have started to pull out your winter and Holiday clothing. There just has to be more than a handful of Holiday Sweaters in the closets of ESA’ers! Also, if you are planning to participate, you will be wearing the sweater during the Craft Fair and please be sure to bring it to the Sunday meeting. This will help those in attendance remember who entered what sweater! PLEASE let me know if you are planning to enter the contest. Just send me an email with your intentions to wearing a Holiday Sweater. This will help me prepare for voting and results tabulation. My deadline is November 1st to hear from you!

Convention Charm Contest!  Tomorrow is the deadline to inform Debbi Morris you are planning to enter the Convention Charm Contest during the Craft Fair. During the Association of the Arts Craft Faire on Saturday of the November State Board Meeting, we will have a Charm Contest!  Send 2nd VP Debbi Morris a picture of your charms and the way you wear them or show them off.  

If you have any blankets you’ve made for Project Linus, please bring them and Donna Carter, Warm Welcome Advocate will be happy to gather them and take them to the local DFW chapter shortly after the November Board Meeting. 

Hope for Heroes Donation Opportunity! Please bring your donation of any of the following items to the November Board Meeting.  If shopping isn’t your thing, you may make a cash donation.  We are Sending “care packages” to our deployed Troops for Christmas through Operation Shoe Box.  Since it is for Christmas, we will not be using shoe boxes, as they will provide Stockings made by volunteers, who are sewing them everyday. Bring your items in a plastic bag and I will collect them at the meeting; pack & send to Operation Shoe Box and they will  mail to our Troops about Dec. 1st.

Wet wipes
Toothpaste (travel size)
Ballpoint pins/writing paper
Medicated foot powder/unscented baby powder
Powdered drink mixes.
Toilet paper (real soft)
Instant coffee
Anti-bacterial gel

Beef jerky
Games & crossword Puzzles
Hand Lotion
Candy/gum – Individually wrapped
Chocolate candy packaged or boxed
Medicated face wipes

To answer last week’s IAWL Trivia Question… Here is the question – There is one major flub or goof by the film editor. Do you know what the error was? It happened when George was talking to Harry about the coming home festivities Bedford Falls was planning when Harry arrived home from visiting President Truman at the White House. Here’s the answer…. A large Christmas Wreath! The wreath that George has hooked over his arm as passes out the newspapers hailing Harry’s Congressional Medal of Honor is very prominently tossed onto a desk just before George takes the phone call. But in the next cut, the wreath is still hanging on George’s arm…. Ahhhh continuity and film editors!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!
Lee Coffman – November 1 of Kappa Kappa, District 4
Brianna Villarreal – November 2 of Delta Chi, District 4
Kelly Kinser – November 3 of Kappa Beta, District 1
Linda Turner – November 3 of Pi Delta, District 1
Stacha Hicks – November 5 of Delta Epsilon, District 11
Debbie Wheatley – November 6 of Delta Omicron
Kennie McClinton – November 7 of Sigma Delta, District 8 and District 8 Vice President
Anita Partin – November 7 of Rho Theta, District 1
Kay Decker – November 7 of Theta Eta, District 11

I am looking forward to seeing you there for the Craft Faire, the Holiday Sweater Contest, donating to the troops as part of Hope for Heroes, and Sunday's Board Meeting. District VI is waiting to hear from you!  Register now!!! 

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - October 23, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday Beginning of the World Series Everyone!

The November State Council Board Meeting Weekend with the Annual Arts and Crafts Fair is just around the corner. I want to remind you all of the information below to insure you have everything you need to know to attend and have a great time! So here you go…………..

Remember to send in your registration for the November State Council Board Meeting to District 6. Additionally, if you have not sent in your registration for the November State Board Meeting to District VI, please do so as soon as possible. District VI has arranged for a lunch on Saturday for an additional $12.00. So get that Registration sent in!

If you are planning to sell any items at the Craft Fair, Barbara Perales is looking to hear from you. Please let her know NOW if you plan to reserve a table to sell all your crafts and more Saturday, November 9th.

Holiday Sweater Contest! While the weather may still be on the warm side, school has started, football season has started, and I am beginning to plan for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! Now one might ask, how does this affect Texas ESA? Well, first in my mind is the November Craft Fair associated with our November State Board Meeting. Second will be the First Holiday Sweater Contest during the have thought of some “rules”… Here they are:
1. Safety first – no electrical supported sweaters; in other words, participants cannot be connected to an extension cord.
2. Cordless battery operated designs are allowed.
3. Sweaters must be worn by the participant, no hanging the sweater on a hanger and must be worn during the craft fair to allow those in attendance to view and vote.
4. All participants must take their sweater home at the end of the competition… I have plenty of my own!
5. Pictures taken may be posted on our Texas State Council Web Site, FaceBook Page, ESA Wonderful Wednesday Blog/Email, TESAN and/or Jonquil.
6. Categories and prizes are under development. Just know that monetary prizes are not available… 

We are looking for fun, creativity, cute, ugly, outlandish, colorful, and interactive between members… and so much more! PLEASE let me know if you are planning to enter the contest. Just send me an email with your intentions to wearing a Holiday Sweater. This will help me prepare for voting and results tabulation. My deadline is November 1st to hear from you!

Convention Charm Contest!  During the Association of the Arts Craft Faire on Saturday of the November State Board Meeting, we will have a Charm Contest!  Send 2nd VP Debbi Morris a picture of your charms and the way you wear them or show them off.  Photos of entries will be displayed during the Craft Faire for voting by ballot, and prizes will be awarded to the winners on Sunday morning.  Old Convention Charms will be sold: $5 for 2013 charms, $2 for 2008-2012, and $1 (6 for $5) for 2007 and earlier years.  Be sure to check your collection to see what you are missing – or just buy some to make an affordable Christmas gift for a young lady in your family.  Debbi’s email is, and her home address is 607 S New Hope Rd, Kennedale, TX 76060.  Photos need to be received by October 31.”

If you have any blankets you’ve made for Project Linus, please bring them and Donna Carter, Warm Welcome Advocate will be happy to gather them and take them to the local DFW chapter shortly after the November Board Meeting. 

Hope for Heroes Donation Opportunity! Please bring your donation of any of the following items to the November Board Meeting.  If shopping isn’t your thing, you may make a cash donation.  We are Sending “care packages” to our deployed Troops for Christmas through Operation Shoe Box.  Since it is for Christmas, we will not be using shoe boxes as they will provide Stockings made by volunteers, who are sewing them everyday. Bring your items in a plastic bag and I will collect them at the meeting; pack & send to Operation Shoe Box and they will  mail to our Troops about Dec. 1st.

Wet wipes
Toothpaste (travel size)
Ballpoint pins/writing paper
Medicated foot powder/unscented baby powder
Powdered drink mixes.
Toilet paper (real soft)
Instant coffee
Anti-bacterial gel

Beef jerky
Games & crossword Puzzles
Hand Lotion
Candy/gum – Individually wrapped
Chocolate candy packaged or boxed
Medicated face wipes
Should you know of other items that they would like please feel free to bring.  Please feel free to call Joyce Kotzur at 210-696-0400 or e-mail Joyce at Additionally if you have any “troupons” to donate, Joyce Kotzur will be happy to take them off your hands. 

Now for the IAWL Trivia Question for this week… I don’t think that I have asked this one yet. Film editors are extremely important to make sure that parts of scenes are matched to flow the sequences of the movie. There is one major flub or goof by the film editor. Do you know what the error was? It happened when George was talking to Harry about the coming home festivities Bedford Falls was planning when Harry arrived home from visiting President Truman at the White House. 

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!
Teri Haley – October 20 of Alpha Beta, District 10 and President of District 10
Gina Glaeser – October 22 of Epsilon Pi, District 5
Charlene Cummings – October 23 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Nancy Denman – October 24 of Beta Xi, District 6 and State Nominating Committee Member
Jim Dinsmore – October 25 of Sigma Iota, District 6
Carmen Gustafson – October 26 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Sherry Moon – October 26 of Theta Eta, District 11
Candy Price – October 27 of Gamma Phi, District 4
Lisa Zawatski – October 27 of Kappa Kappa, District 4
Carol Livley – October 28 of Alpha Tau, District 6

I am looking forward to seeing you there for the Craft Faire, the Holiday Sweater Contest, donating to the troops as part of Hope for Heroes, and Sunday's Board Meeting. District VI is waiting to hear from you!  Register now!!! 

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - October 16, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday Everyone!

In the last month, I found this quote on FaceBook….
“Volunteerism is a two-way street and benefits everyone.  What benefits do you see from volunteering?  What does volunteering offer that applies to the work you do every day?  Do you have any tips in how to begin to volunteer?”

As ESA’ers, we volunteer! Boy, do we ever, as it is our nature to be helpers to others every day. We volunteer in our chapters to do educational programs. We volunteer to serve others within ESA and to those outside to our philanthropic organizations. We volunteer to prepare for social events and rush events. We volunteer to be leaders in our chapters, districts, state, and international councils. We volunteer to help others volunteer. Volunteering is the root to what we are as an organization and who we are as individuals. Looking at the questions within the quote, let me add one more, how do we help others volunteer? These questions may be helpful for you to discuss at your upcoming meetings or as a district leadership topic. Just thoughts I had to share!

Now for the IAWL Trivia Question from last week… Believe or not, the theme or premise of “It’s A Wonderful Life” had been used for other film and television programs and projects. There is a relationship between our beloved Danny Thomas and IAWL. Can you guess what that might be? I have given a bit of a clue or hint!  Did you guess? I did not hear from anyone…. WOW! There was a made for television movie, “It Happened One Christmas”. The characters were the same, but the roles were different. Mary Hatch Bailey played the part of working with Uncle Billy in the Building and Loan, and in trouble with Mr. Potter over money lost. George Bailey was the stay at home type father. If memory serves me, the made for television movie was released in the 1970’s.  It is very difficult to get a copy, but believe or not, I do have one from a copy from a copy! Now, the real answer, what was the relationship to our beloved Danny Thomas??? Marlo Thomas played Mary Hatch Bailey in the program! Wayne Rogers (from MASH) played George Bailey. Orson Welles played Mr. Potter. And Cloris Leachman was Clara Oddbody! Look it up on the internet movie database!  

Do not forget to send your registration to District 6 for the November Board Meeting.  It is coming up in just a few weeks. In addition, Donna Carter will be collecting any blankets you may have been making to donate to Project Linus.  So bring them along, Donna will be happy to take them to our area Project Linus group.

I have been visiting several districts in the past weeks. It has been wonderful! One of the items of discussion has been “troopons”. I asked Joyce Kotzur to give me the information about how to the do the coupons for the military families so I could post here in case you have not gotten them as yet. So here is what Joyce sent me today:

1. Cut out coupons from your local newspaper or elsewhere as long as they state
       "Manufacturer's Coupon" on them.  Please do not use store coupons, such as Target,
        Walmart, etc., and no restaurant coupons, or internet coupons, and NO FOOD 
2. Sort coupons into 2 piles by status: Expired (not more than 6 mos.) and  Unexpired 
        coupons, then
3. Sort each of the 2 piles into four piles by type:
      a. Food items
      b. Nonfood Items
    c. Baby food/items
  d. Pet items (such as dog & cat food, treats, toys)
4.   Stuff into plastic baggies (depending on size of the pile) sandwich size, quart or gallon  
5. Make Identifier cards for each of the 4 above categories and status (expired & 
6. Total the retail savings of each baggie and write it on them. If coupon is valued at $1.00, 
        $0.50 cents, etc.). This helps Support Our Troops to track value or the overall program.
7. Mail them to:                  Support Our Troops
                                                P. O. Box 70
                                                Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070

Be sure to keep track of your time, clipping & sorting the coupons, mileage (if any) and total $ of the coupons to add to your service report.

Additionally, based on a question from District 3, how are the coupons distributed once received in Florida? From what we understand, the coupons are distributed to commissaries in the US and overseas, where military families can pick them up to utilize for their shopping savings. Joyce will try to gather some more information. As soon as she knows more about the distribution process, we will let you know! Thank you Joyce! You have done a good deal of work to get this together for us!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters for the coming week!
Nancy Becknell – October 19 of Alpha Tau, District 6 and
Sherrel Condit – October 19 of Gamma Phi, District 4.

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - October 9, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday Everyone in TEXAS!

Many of you know that I am a team player… Together Everyone Achieves More! I truly believe that there is power in a team to make a difference whether it is at home, at work, and at groups, such as ESA! Last year’s IC President, Suzy Winters, had done a weekly Blog/Email. She posted about TEAMwork earlier this last spring. 

The Power of TEAMwork: 
Clear communication is critical for teamwork to flourish. For a team to be empowered, every member must receive feedback and stay informed.
When people know where they stand, they’re better able to perform their duties.
Providing timely information in a consistent manner boosts confidence and team efficiency, increasing the power of teamwork.
Encouraging members to ask questions, address concerns, discuss procedures, and challenge the status quo are the hallmarks of a quality team. This level of communication keeps everyone informed and fosters a positive, knowledgeable and productive team.

TEAMwork is just like ESA—it truly is WONDERFUL!

A few weeks ago, Convention City has asked me to pass along this directive when submitting your checks for May 2014 Convention Registration. Here is a reminder! Checks must be made out exactly like this – “Texas ESA State Convention”. The financial institution requires this to process the checks into the Convention City bank account. District Presidents, please pass this requirement onto the members of your district. A corrected form has been submitted for posting on the Web Site and in the TESAN. 

Next, our State Project Director, Barbara Atkinson,  has the following request when sending donations for the March of Dimes and the Helen Pearson Scholarship Fund. Barb has asked to please make sure your chapter and district checks are made out to the Texas State Council; and, then make a notation on the check for either March of Dimes or Helen Pearson. Do NOT make the check out to the March of Dimes or Helen Pearson Scholarship Fund as this must be causing an issue with the bank. Additionally, Barb has asked to continue filling the paper dime holders that are to be turned in at the November Board Meeting. 

As we start heading to the Holiday travel season, I thought I would reprise my posting from August regarding the Care Connection from IC and Headquarters… So here you go! The Care Connection is no longer being over-sighted by the Senior Past President of IC, which this year is our own Rose Pasillas. Apparently, this function of contact and communication is through ESA Headquarters. When submitting your request for assistance, please contact ESA International Headquarters at 970-223-2824. Ask for Tracy Swanson, Membership Director, or Charlotte Carloni, Philanthropic/Communications Coordinator.  When a request comes in, they will get you in touch with the State President or Care Connection representative for whatever state you are located. In our state for this sorority year, our Caring and Sharing Team Advocate for Care Connection is Monica Childs. Her demographic information is in our current State Roster. 

IAWL Trivia Question for the week… Believe or not, the theme or premise of “It’s A Wonderful Life” has been used for other film and television programs and projects. There is a relationship between our beloved Danny Thomas and IAWL. Can you guess what that might be? I have given a bit of a clue or hint!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters for the coming week!
Dana Jordan – October 13 of Epsilon Pi, District 5
Cathy Roberts – October 14 of Kappa Beta, District 1
Sue Driskill – October 15 of Sigma Iota, District 6 and our State Easter Seals Chair
Ivana Montenegro – October 17 of Delta Chi, District 4

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - October 2, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday All!

It is hard to believe that we have arrived to the beginning of our Holiday Season, starting with Halloween! As I get older, time just speeds up year by year. I remember my grandmother, a member of ESA in California, had told me, as a young girl, that time gets faster as you get I older. So don't beg for the days to go by faster to get to desired activity you are waiting for... I remember this as a very long day when we switched from daylight savings time to standard time. My mom was on her way home from visiting a Regional Council meeting when California's State President. And, I was watching the minutes tick by so slowly. How I wish I had some of that time back!

Last week I spoke to time management and how I had planned ahead due to upcoming events. Just today, due to all the changes in healthcare we are becoming aware of these days, I received an email that included this statement:

"Don't fall victim to the old adage; he who fails to plan, plans to fail!"

That just amazed me of being reminded of the importance in time management and planning ahead. I spoke to how that was an attribute of being a Leader. With the email today, it was a reminder I needed to take the time to plan out what my tasks are to insure I will accomplish them to the best of my ability. Hope that made some sense to all!

Now for last week's IAWL Trivia Question...There is a relationship between “It’s A Wonderful Life” and “ET The Extra-Terrestrial”. What is it? Did you guess it? A clue - a well known family in the Theater and Movies - the Barrymores!  Lionel Barrymore portrayed the most disliked man in Bedford Falls, Harry F. Potter. Potter was also the richest man in Bedford Falls. Now how does he have a relationship with ET? His grand-niece Drew Barrymore was the little girl with huge eyes in the ET movie. Drew's name, a family name, from her great grandmother, the mother of Lionel, Ethel, and John Sr. John Sr.'s son, John "Drew" Barrymore was Drew's father. Quite the legendary acting family!

A few reminders -
  • Remember to send in your registration for the November State Board Meeting to District 6.
  • If you are planning to sell any items at the Craft Faire, Barbara Perales is looking to hear from you.
  • I need to know if you will be wearing a Holiday Sweater for the contest during the Craft Faire.
  • Debbi Morris has set up a Charm Contest, let her know if you are planning to participate!
  • We will be donating items for our Troops, so start shopping for those items and bring to the Board Meeting. 
All of these reminders will appear in more detail as we get closer to the Board Meeting. Additionally, I have posted them within the last several weeks. You can easily view those posts from the past!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters for the coming week!
Patsy Coleman - October 4 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Laura Martin - October 4 of Theta Alpha, District 7 and State Chaplain
Mimi Probst-Taylor - October 4 of Rho Theta, District 1, Angel Jester, AND brand new mommy! Congrats to Mimi and David!
Pat Vance - October 4 of Delta Omicron, District 7
Elaine Noto - October 5 of Theta Phi, District 11 and Past Texas State President
Dianne Richardson - October 5 of Sigma Iota, District 6 and District 6 Coordinator
Janie Pritz - October 6 of Theta Alpha, District 7
Sharon Willingham - October 7 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Kim Baird - October 8 of Theta Psi, District 2 and State Parliamentarian and Bylaws Chair
Cheryl Deleranko - October 8 of Rho Theta, District 1 and State First Timers Chair
Debbi Morris - October 8 of Sigma Iota, District 6 and State 2nd Vice President and Budget Chair
Elisa Urdiales - October 8 of Delta Chi, District 4
Carol Wilson - October 8 of Mu Alpha, District 2
Silvia Nunez-Castorena - October 9 of Delta Chi, District 4
Rosanne Hayman - October 10 of Epsilon Pi, District 5
Carolyn Reed - October 11 of Delta Omicron, District 7 and Bylaws Comm Member

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann