Installation of Officers May 2013

Installation of Officers May 2013

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Jr. Past President Sue Ann's Final Posting - Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!  

It is hard to believe that this will be my last blog email sent to everyone. Sometimes in life, experiences come to end. I am doing this last entry to tie the bow on a wonderful sorority year package! In addition, to let those Texas Sisters know who were unable to attend, including our Corresponding Secretary - Joyce Smith and TESAN Editor - Sarah Fox that we had a wonderful convention and how it all went! 

Convention in League City at the South Shore Harbor Resort was wonderful thanks to District 2 and Debbi Morris, General Convention Chair. I have already heard from ESA Headquarters and two IC Officers that our Texas Convention was great! I wonder who might have spilled the beans??? Could that be IC Officer, Miss Sandy Alexander, our representative... perhaps??? That means we excelled as we normally do! Thank you to all those involved! You deserve a rest before we start anew under the leadership of Susanne Dullack.... Sweetheart, as I said when I presented you our treasured gavel and block.... Tag you are it! I know you will use that gavel wisely and well! 

To recap, there were skits Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! Music from “Thanks for the Memories” to “Happy”, “Best Day of My Life” to “I’ve Been Everywhere Man”, “This Girl is on Fire” to “Roar”, and finally “So Happy Together”. We did selfies on Sunday with duets by Cheree Harper and Cassie Harper. Presentations produced by the Bell’s Angels and Sue Ann’s Storytellers. Of course, business was conducted, reports given, votes cast, and outstanding members crowned. The workshop was filled with a guest speaker on domestic violence and future needs of ESA as a whole by our IC Representative to Texas. Special recognitions were done for the Executive Board, prior Board Members, and former Outstanding Members over the years. Members did spend the Saturday morning shopping at Kemah, Kohl’s, going to NASA, visiting sisters, and sleeping in. This seemed to have been a great success!

I would like to share some of my remarks that I gave on Sunday. 

“Last year in my acceptance speech, I walked around the room telling the story of the little boy, the cocoon, the old man, and the butterfly. The morale of the story was “without the struggle, there is no flight”. At that time, I was referring to my adventure, my journey to the point of becoming your State President. Now fortunately, my year as State President was not filled with many “struggles”, and “flight” was predominant. The “struggles” we encountered were those of trying new adventures through change. Some of those changes were successful and others need to be adjusted should they be continued. This is expected and this was the “flight”. 

As elected officers, we realized we need to shift our paradigm to attract new members, to achieve growth. We, the elected board, have discussed this numerous times, not impetuous ideas to modify some of the things we do, but think of new ways, revolutionary ways to make our ESA life better and greater in numbers. Now, growth is not a new discussion during board meetings and conventions either. We have spoken of this many times and truly; growth is a critical, as we step up, tackle it, change it make it happen, and the outcome will honor the traditions. 

With all of that, this year has been successful, because of you! This was a wonderful year. It was not perfect. It never can be perfect. We cannot please everyone. However, I will take away that we made a difference and we tried. I am proud of that, there was “flight”, and as Mickey Rooney said he wanted to be known that, he tried. So, I tried! I hope you take that feeling with you as well!

I want to thank you for the journey, the experience of being your State President. This experience is one I will treasure. I am grateful – THANK YOU for the opportunity. I know I will look back in years to come and know that we made a difference and touched a person, helped a person, loved a person. 

This is the point of which this year was based, a simple movie theme, in Bedford Falls, America, a simple man, George Bailey learning that he did in fact make a difference. 

Before I end, I must take a moment to offer my thanks to my chapter, those who are here, Holly, Jon, Cheree, and Cassie. Our chapter is small and actually meets in a chat room, but we sure have done so much and multi-task. I love you all. And to my district, 

Thank you for your patience, advice, and love. You stepped up when our chapter shifted from one district to another. In addition, thank you to the “Sisters” of my district as you were there to encourage the support by the district. May I also thank those within another district no longer in existence, as you were there in the beginning for Joyce and me – we adore you!. 

To my friends here and at work, thank you for listening and loving. I appreciate your thoughts and wisdom. 

To Joyce, my best forever friend, we did this journey a decade apart. You were there through the loses and the wins, the successes and the rough patches, the fears and the joys, the smiles and the tears, the I have been thinking and the ideas. Thank you for sticking with it! I love you!

To my family, my sister, my parents who gave me the goal setter attitude I have. Without you, the drive for a goal would not be there. And mom, thanks for joining ESA when I was born! I literally would not be here without you. 

Now to Nick, Emma, Julie, Holly, Jon, and Owen – you are the loves of my life. As you can see, not everyone was able to attend this weekend, but I want to publicly thank you for the support, encouragement and the love you have given me over the years in my journey as a State Officer and President! You did this out of love and sacrifice for me, as it was my goal, not yours. I could never repay what you have given to me. 

To Holly, what can I say to you? You and I were raised in ESA, just different generations, different state councils, and different goals. You helped buffer issues, listen, advise, and love. You also helped with your brother and his developmental issues to help me make this all happen. And Jon, you are wonderful and Grammie’s favorite… boyfriend. 

Moreover, to Owen, you came into this in the midst of the journey. Wow, how you have had to figure this out in a very short period of time. Jimmy Cain told Owen (and Owen still remembers this), “Son, you had better get use to this really quick, ‘cause it ain’t gonna change.” I have loved you since the moment we met. Thank you for the love, support, friendship, our life…..!”

Several of you have asked, including Owen, what are you going to do with the blog after it is over? I have given this some thought. In all likelihood, I will initiate a new one, more focused on recipes, life, and more. We will see what develops! 

Good News…. No IAWL Trivia Question? It is true. You are in luck this final blog posting!

Before I close, allow me two more statements:
Continue to send me recipes, as I will start working on this special Disaster Fund project.
If you are attending IC Convention in Portland, please consider attending my workshop on Tuesday, July 15th. 

Sunday’s third general assembly, I completed my remarks with the following… and ESA Wonderful Wednesday comes to an end!

“May I offer this, Mizpah, may the Lord watch over thee
while we are absent one from another.
Finally, as I said one year ago on a stage much like this
May you have the wisdom to find your purpose
And the courage to make a difference.
So believe you can and you’re halfway there.
Be the EveryDay Angel I know you are, because you have
the wisdom, courage,
And belief to touch another… Why?
Because, ESA’s … A Wonderful Life!
Thank you and I love each of you…”

sue ann

(aka – susieQ to friends and family as they too have gotten the blog each and every week! 
Thank you! I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

ESA Wonderful Wednesday The Early Edition - May 14, 2014

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!  

This is the second to the last final edition posting for ESA Wonderful Wednesday Blog! It is a few days early to allow you to review prior to convention……

This is dedicated to the Texas State Membership of ESA!
sue ann

“Angels are Everywhere!”

“Sometimes we feel that we are all alone,
as life brings us challenges to overcome and
hardships to bear. 
But when we least expect it,
help can appear.
It may be a kind word from a stranger
or a phone call at just the right time,
and we are suddenly surrounded with the
loving grace of God.
Miracles happen every day
because angels are everywhere!”


This last week has been really stressful on a number of levels – a family crisis that is resolving, finding out that my dear Joyce is unable to go to convention as Corresponding Secretary, responsibilities at my job, and somehow trying to complete all the tasks in preparation of convention. And as I write this Sunday morning before Mother’s Day activities begin, I still am printing, writing, making, and finishing, all despite starting many months ago…. A woman’s job, no… today, a mother’s job is never done… 

Happy Mother’s Day 
Mothers, Grandmothers, Daughters, Sisters, and Aunts!
You all deserve the blessings!

Prior to May 2013, I got the idea to do this weekly blog from Suzy Winters, IC President for 2012-2013, as she was doing the exact same thing. I believe that it was the first one in ESA. I wrote her and asked if I could “copy” and do my own thing with a blog for you! Of course, she took that as a compliment, as that was intended, and said “Yes”. So I want to give her credit for the inspiration for the year and for some of the thoughts to follow, but I will make them my own…….

Suzy stated, “The two most important words anyone can say is THANK YOU!” You have made this year WONDERFUL! You did this for You and Me! I THANK YOU for that and the opportunity to serve as your State President. As angels, you served others in the Dream Home, Galas, Golf Tournaments, Thanks for Giving Walks, Bunco, Hope for Heroes “troupons”, Literacy commitments, Domestic Violence donations, March of Dimes Bingo events, Spaghetti or Chili feeds, Easter Seal projects, and so many more community events we love to embrace. I know this based on the quarterly board meetings to hear the results… the hours, goods, miles, and moneys you have reported are so huge and inspiring. Not only am I proud to be your State President, but I am proud to be a Texas ESA Sister. 

My thanks also extend to my appreciation to serve as your State President. The opportunity is a gift you have given me. I hope through the years of serving you, you do know I am grateful and treat it with the utmost respect and love. There are so many people to thank; it is so hard to come up with a finite list. I can say it took a village of friends, sisters, and family. It was WONDERFUL…And YES, “ESA’s … A Wonderful Life!” And Yes, those two words… THANK YOU!  

The other wisdom provided from Suzy, “The last word I leave you with is the word “YES”.  ESA is made up of people who don’t hesitate to say YES!” For 99% of my time in ESA as a child, a teenager, and an adult, is to say “YES”… there were just two occasions I did not. Regret, maybe, but I knew I did not know enough to do the job the best I could. That is my honesty to you! But my point here, say “YES” to serve yourself and others. Of course, that means service, but also doing educationals and supporting the fun activities, we do together. Sometime life gets in the way… I do understand that, but say “YES” to serve on a committee, chairmanship, or putting your name on a ballot for a chapter, district, and even a state elected office. You can do it. You have the skills. You can learn the duties and responsibilities. You have the commitment. How do I know this…? You have proven yourself by doing the service, the rushes, the educationals, and so much more. We all see this each day. You have not allowed yourself to take the next step to a WONDERFUL journey. Take it… it does not hurt, it helps!

There is one additional critical reason to say “YES”… if you say “YES” to leading in your chapters, districts, and on the state level, that is an example to show others, to inspire growth in new members, new chapters. Saying “YES” will insure ESA will be there for our future and those of our current sisters and those future sisters… I hope we will not say “No” when asked! I said “YES” and had this WONDERFUL opportunity!

Several of you have asked, including Owen, what are you going to do with the blog after it is over? I have given this some thought. In all likelihood, I will initiate a new one, more focused on recipes, life, and more. We will see what develops!

Good News…. No IAWL Trivia Question? Nope, here it is and the answer too! In 2006, the American Film Institute (AFI) released 100 films in 100 years, the 100 most inspiring films of all time. What was the number 1 film on this list? Well, can you guess? Okay, you got it… “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Yep, the number one film that inspired us! 

The AFI stated, “These 100 movies inspire us, encourage us to make a difference and send us from the theatre with a greater sense of possibility and hope for the future. A jury of 1,500 film artists, critics and historians selected the classic IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, starring James Stewart, as the most inspiring movie of all time.” I agree, it is my absolute favorite! I thank my parents, particularly my Dad for giving the love of movies! The AFI awarding of IAWL was not the spark for this year’s theme. No, that inspiration came back in the very early1980’s when I first fell in love with this film, moving it ahead of “White Christmas” as my most favorite movie. I saw this film as a way to live my life… 

to remember each moment to convey my care and interest in others… be an encouraging word, a smile, a hug, show interest, to listen, unconditional giving, a kiss,
and to say “love you” when closing a call to friends and family, 
all not to get it back, but to know I made the effort,
I took the time to care!

It was then; I did not know how or where, I was going to use IAWL to share with others to hopefully convey the ability to make a difference or to inspire that ability to make a difference. Because if it is not conveyed, then much of what we have done in ESA would not have happened. If George Bailey had never lived, then Bedford Falls would not have been………………………………. If we in ESA have not have happened, then what would have happened? There was a purpose and a reason!

My final message will come to you the Wednesday after convention and contain my thoughts expressed at the third general assembly… I look forward to sharing those thoughts with you, especially for those who were unable to attend convention, particularly Joyce…..!

League City, here we come! 
Travel safely! 
Bless you all!
Happy Mommy’s Day!
Love to all the everyday angels,
as you have touched my heart in countless ways!

sue ann

(aka – susieQ to friends and family as they too have gotten the blog each and every week! Thank you! I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - May 7, 2014

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!  

It is just so hard to believe that convention is next week. Wow, time does fly – I truly believe that! Next week, I will have some thoughts to share about this last sorority year and more. As we speak, I am working on preparations for convention…. typing, printing, assembling, basically just getting it done. I will be sending out my blog early next week as many may not see Wednesday’s installment before leaving for convention. Look for it either Sunday or Monday. 

I am very sad, as my Corresponding Secretary Joyce Smith will be unable to attend Convention. Her back surgery last year was a great success; however, she now is suffering from a pinched nerve that is creating pain in her hips and down the legs. She is in therapy and taking multiple meds. She is as sad as I am. This will probably be the first convention that she has missed since joining ESA some 30 years ago! Joyce was telling me today that she has received many cards from both within Texas and throughout the US! I want to thank you sending your love! Isn’t that what the gift of friendship is all about? As I quoted a few weeks ago from Marci… “the exchanges of the heart that happen between friends create memories that last a lifetime, and those memories become treasures that warm us on the coldest of days”…  She knows we love her and that warms her heart and her memories. 

A couple of others will also be unable to attend, our TESAN Editor Sarah Fox and our Outstanding Youth Chairman Karen Luckenbach. We will miss both of them as well. 

Speaking of convention, remember to send in your registration for an Angel-filled weekend of Texas ESA, education, service, and association. We will have it all there for you! So send in that form and check to be a part of a WONDERFUL convention! District II has been working hard planning, preparing, and putting it all together to make our weekend pretty darn spectacular. 

At Convention, Friday afternoon, we will have a special donation to The Bridge Over Troubled Waters of Houston that supports Domestic Crisis. This is their website, “”. Last week, I explained their mission in last week’s posting. But I want to include the types of donations The Bridge needs. 
Toiletries & especially feminine products, and
Gift cards to Walmart, Target, etc. 

In addition, for this convention year, for Service Awards and Pallas Athene Recognition, we are going to use a form to capture all of that information and keep us organized. Please use the form available on the Texas ESA Website OR send an email to or contact our Corresponding Secretary, Joyce Smith. She will be able to provide you the form and any information you may need to help us celebrate with you! In addition, we want to celebrate! Because Joyce will be unable to attend convention, our Jr. Past President Valerie Dickens will be collecting the service pins!!!

Recipes are coming in…. Thank you so much…. I hope what I am planning will work out next year. Please remember to bring or even send your recipes to me before, during, or just after convention. You are welcome to email, mail, or hand them to me personally. I am planning to begin working on my duties as Jr. Past President/Disaster Fund Chairman right after convention. It will include a special project. Your recipes will play a crucial part in my project. So keep them coming!

This was last week’s IAWL Trivia Question: Uncle Billy had a pet. What is the pet and the name of the pet? The answer was… a Edgar Allen Poe clue… The poem… The Raven. However, the raven’s name was not “nevermore”, but Jimmy. Trying to make a funny!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming weeks, through the end of May’s Convention! 
Debbie Weiss – May 9 of Epsilon Iota, District 11
Sharon Campbell – May 10 of Zeta Tau, District 2 and PPAC member
Elaine Brundrett – May 13 of Zeta Epsilon, District 3
Jenni May-Dennis – May 16 of Kappa Kappa, District 4 and
Darla Petty – May 16 of Epsilon Pi, District 5!

This will be the last installment of birthday wishes! It has been a pleasure and a joy to wish many, many sisters the happiest of birthdays through this sorority year! Thank  you for allowing me to share this recognition…

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann