Installation of Officers May 2013

Installation of Officers May 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday – November 27, 2013

Happy Wonderful THANKSGIVING- Eve Wednesday!

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving…. I am taking a bit of a break prepping, baking, and cooking for tomorrow’s thankfulness feast. I hope all in our Texas ESA family and friends will have the most thankful day filled with giving and love. By the way, our family, here in Texas, is not really turkey eaters. So this year, we are taking it to a new level… make your own pizza.  Everyone has his or her toppings picked and type of pizza dough selected. But, there is always a twist…. I could not give up the crunchy brown sugar glazed ham…. That is on the menu too!  

The Thanks and Giving Walk last weekend went well for Texas as well as the other State Councils. I want to thank everyone who worked and walked for the kids at St. Jude. Remember, we do it for them with love and thanks!

Now for last week's IAWL Trivia Question! Did you guess the answer? Here was the question…The night of George and Mary’s Wedding, George arrived at The Granville House and found what roasting in the fireplace, turned by a contraption using a phonograph? It was two chickens roasting in the fireplace!

I mentioned this last week that as we get closer to the Holiday season, I will be letting you know when the NBC showing of “It’s A Wonderful Life” will be schedule. I hope you did not think that I would let that go by without mentioning! So far, I have not found it in the TV listings for NBC. I will keep looking and let you know as soon as possible. I don’t want you to miss it! 

Incidentally, I have already watched IAWL twice and White Christmas once on my iPod since the November Board Meeting. No telling how many more times I will watch them before we get to Christmas!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!

Kelly Atkinson – November 29 of Kappa Mu, District 3
Tanya Bass – November 30 of Delta Epsilon, District 11
Phyllis Hall – December 1 of Kappa Mu, District 3 and District Vice President
Penny Clark – December 2 of Theta Eta, District 11
Beverly Graham – December 3 of Epsilon Pi, District 5
Lois Wild – December 3 of Pi Delta, District 1
Judi Garrett – December 4 of Sigma Iota, District 6 and District President
Ruth Johnson – December 4 of Sigma Delta, District 8  

If you are traveling home this Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, please be safe on those planes, trains, and automobiles!

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - November 20, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

Our IC Representative for our Annual May 2014 was announced… Sandy Alexander, IC Treasurer 2013-2014. If I remember correctly, Sandy hails from the Colorado State Council and resides in that state. I would encourage everyone to send her greetings over the next several months. Our TESAN will be sent to her electronically; and, I will include her in my weekly Blog postings. Sandy, we are looking forward to your visit in League City this coming May!  You’ll have a WONDERFUL Texas Welcome!

Oh, by the way, Sandy’s contact information is…

Sandy Alexander
6697 South Reed Way Unit A
Littleton, CO 80123

Have you started your holiday plans…. The radio station I listen in on has started playing Christmas music. It is hard to believe the Holidays are nearly upon us. But that doesn’t mean our ESA service work is done. I know the Thanks and Giving Walk is this coming weekend to benefit St. Jude. The Marathon is coming up. Many chapters adopt families in need for the Holiday in the way of food, clothing, household supplies, and toys. Many people still need our WONDERFUL help. This is what we do the best… Everyday Angels!

Now for this week's IAWL Trivia Question! The night of George and Mary’s Wedding, George arrived at The Granville House and found what roasting in the fireplace, turned by a contraption using a phonograph?

I mentioned this last week that as we get closer to the Holiday season, I will be letting you know when the NBC showing of “It’s A Wonderful Life” will be schedule. I hope you did not think that I would let that go by without mentioning! So far I have not found it in the TV listings for NBC. I will keep looking and let you know as soon as possible. I don’t want you to miss it!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!
Isabella Sousa – November 21 of Sigma Iota, District 6
Barbara Cook – November 21 of Theta Eta, District 11
Holly Hall – November 23 of Alpha Tau, District 6
Margaret “Butch” Reed – November 23 of Epsilon Pi, District 5
Wanda Wilkerson – November 23 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Janis Spears – November 24 of Epsilon Pi, District 5
Heather Griffin – November 26 of Alpha Tau, District 6
Amanda Tomo – November 27 of Zeta Epsilon, District 3
Doris Owens – November 28 of Zeta Epsilon, District 3 and A Thanksgiving Girl this year!

Some of you all may be starting your travels for Thanksgiving in a couple of days… Please be safe on those planes, trains, and automobiles!

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - November 13, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

Well, our Second State Board Meeting "Harry Bailey, Bedford Falls Hometown Hero" has come and gone. Let me tell you if you missed it, it was WONDERFUL! First off, the Every Day Hero Weekend hosted by District 6 was GRAND! The District 6 members were accommodating and helpful. The Craft Fair led by Barbara Perales and Kay Howard went smoothly and successfully. The PPAC Open House was scrumptious. The donations to the Bedford Fire Department were awesome… totaling nearly $700.00 as a result of the Saturday Night SYN Tournament and spontaneous donations was spectacular. Lastly, the donations to Operation ShoeBox were over the top with cash, toiletries and supplies, and cash. 

Debbi Morris sponsored a Convention Charm Contest. PPAC member Ann Kriesman submitted the winner. She displays her charms on a golden spiral tree. For that win, Ann will receive a free 2014 Convention Charm. The Charm Tree was very clever in my opinion.

The Holiday Sweater Contest was a good deal of fun! We had about a dozen entries. Some of the sweaters were adorable. Some were very creative. Here we go for the winners. The Best Sweater went to Audrey Eoff of District 3. The Ugliest Sweater, what I thought was clever, went to Joyce Smith, District 1. The Number 1 Loser… runner up so to speak, went to Cathy Kauffman of District 1 as well. Cathy’s sweater had a hole in it where one would frequently see her finger sticking out! It was a good deal of fun! I hope that in the very near future, I will get the pictures taken to Leanne Dickens to post on the web site. 

Thank you all who were able to attend and participate in all of the events. I could not have been more overcome with pride in our Texas Membership! Thank you District 6, Barbara and Kay, and those 101 attendees!

Now for the answer to last week's IAWL Trivia Question! Here is the question: Uncle Billy likely had a bit too much to drink at the wedding/welcome home reception for Harry and Ruth Bailey. He and George left Ma Bailey's home out the front door. Uncle Billy was looking for his hat, which George reminded Uncle Billy it was on his head. Uncle Billy left and there was a huge noise! What did Uncle Billy run into... what did it sound like? 

Did you guess? Do you remember the scene in the movie? Well, as the story goes from an interview by Jimmy Stewart years ago, when Uncle Billy exited, he ran into trashcans off set. It made a huge noise. As an impromptu response, Uncle Billy states, “I’m alright… I’m alright”. Frank Capra was impressed with what was happening, he did not yell “cut” and kept on filming. It stayed in after editing, as it was such a perfect segway to Ma Bailey coming out of the house to encourage George to go see Mary Hatch…. His soon to be wife!

Now as we get closer to the Holiday season, I will be letting you know when the NBC showing of “It’s A Wonderful Life” will be schedule. I hope you did not think that I would let that go by without mentioning!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!

Carleen Aiken – November 14 of Gamma Phi, District 4, PPAC and District Coordinator
Nancy Willingham – November 14 of Chi Rho, District 11 and Awards Chairman
Judy Reid – November 15 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Mary Swanzy – November 16 of Delta Zeta, District 5
Sarai Meza – November 18 of Alpha Tau, District 6
Sandy Keller – November 20 of Pi Delta, District 1
Jolene Mock – November 20 of Epsilon Pi, District 5

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - November 6, 2013

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

It is so hard to believe that November is upon  us and our second State Board Meeting is this coming weekend. If you haven't made any plans for the weekend, please consider joining us! I am sure District 6 can fit you in, as it will be a WONDERFUL weekend!

Don't forget to bring your donations for Operation ShoeBox, Troopons, any completed blankets or supplies for Project Linus, AND..... your rolls dimes for the March of Dimes! Barbara Atkinson, our State Project Director asked I remind you to bring the dimes. But I am certain, Barbara will take any domination for the March of Dimes!

When I sent out the SYN Tournament Registration, I was flooded with questions as to what playing SYN is all about. So I went to "master".... Rose Pasillas!  Here is her explanation of playing SYN.....

"SYN is a very easy card game that everyone can play with very little instruction. The SYN stands for (Stop your neighbor or S***w your neighbor which is the original Name).  That is why we abbreviate it to SYN. 

Here is how it goes: Everyone begins with three quarters in their possession. 
The object of the game is not to have the lowest card. In this game aces are the lowest card which makes the king the highest card (which is the stopper card). Everyone is dealt one card face down.  The person to the left of the dealer is first. They look at their card.  If they think they have the lowest card, they can trade with the person to their left.  That person must trade unless they have a king (which is a stopper card).  Once the person to your right has traded with you you can keep that card and say you are good.  Play continues around the table once until the dealer.  The dealer has the choice of keeping whatever card they wind up with or taking the top card.  The dealer then turns up their card.  Then everyone turns us their card and the lowest card pays their quarter into the pot. If two or more have the same card and they are the lowest they all pay their quarter. Discard the used cards and deal again around the table.  Use the same deck until you do not have enough cards to go around the table.  You can continue in the game until you lose all your quarters.  Then you can play on your honor (with no money) until you lose again.    The last person in the game wins the entire pot. It's very simple and lots of fun.  

The $5 is a donation whether you play or not.  You need three quarters to play the game if you choose to play.  The winner at each table gets to keep the pot or if they choose they can donate it to the cause."

So there you have it! A great way to spend the evening with your ESA Sisters and for a Wonderful cause!

Now for this week's IAWL Trivia Question: Uncle Billy likely had a bit too much to drink at the wedding/welcome home reception for Harry and Ruth Bailey. He and George left Ma Bailey's home out the front door. Uncle Billy was looking for his hat, which George reminded Uncle Billy it was on his head. Uncle Billy left and there was a huge noise! What did Uncle Billy run into... what did it sound like?

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!
Monica Childs - November 8 of Lambda Alpha, District 8 and District President, as well as Caring and Sharing Team - Care Connection Advocate
Linda Jeffers - November 8 of Theta Eta, District 11 and PPAC
Dorothy Miller - November 8 of Kappa Alpha, District 10 and Bylaws Committee Member
Lue Harden - November 12 of Epsilon Pi, District 5
Day McAnear - November 12 of Lambda Nu, District 5

I am looking forward to seeing you at the November State Board Meeting and Craft Fair this coming weekend! Travel safely!

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address:

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,

sue ann