Installation of Officers May 2013

Installation of Officers May 2013

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - January 15, 2014

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

The February Board Meeting is now less than a month away. How can this be? If you have not done so, please send your registration in to District 11, only $20.00! District 11 has planned a WONDERFUL weekend for us, including a field trip (always love field trips) to the George W. Bush Presidential Library near SMU in Dallas. If enough of us go, the group rate will apply at either $9.00 or $10.00. Three of my family (Grammie and Grandpie Owen are taking JonBoy) are going to experience what a Presidential Library is, no matter political beliefs. 

This field trip will be in the afternoon of Saturday, February 8th. A special lunch will be set up for us on Saturday between 12:00 and 1:00 in the WILDFIRE RESTAURANT ($12.95 per person).  We will leave for the library as soon after that as possible.  We will be carpooling. There will be maps for the drivers.  It is easy to get to – Travel west on 190 (George Bush Tollway) to south on 75 (Central Expressway) then exit to SMU.

NOTICE:    If you are planning to go on 
The Presidential Library Tour, 
You must send in your registration to District 11 
By January 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you rather go shopping, Firewheel outdoor mall is very near the Holiday Inn in Garland off the George Bush Tollway. Of course, just spend the afternoon with your state sorority sisters. The afternoon is YOURS! 

That evening, Valerie Dickens, Jr. Past President and ESA Disaster Fund Chairman, will be hosting a Bingo event benefiting the ESA Disaster Fund. Each District should be supplying two wrapped items (in gift-wrap - no bags for peeking inside) valued at $15.00 each to be used for winning Bingo prizes. I generally do not win a Bingo Game as Joyce will attest... but I enjoy playing and seeing how the prizes unfold! 

During the Board Meeting on Sunday, the 9th of February, we will have a donation towards the Literacy for Life campaign, as part of the Sharing and Caring Team efforts. LeeAnn Henderson will be getting me more details about this in the coming weeks. This campaign is the platform of our 2013-2014 IC President Vicky Jones. So let us get behind this... 

Hopefully, I will remember to attach the updated schedule of events for the board meeting weekend with timing of meetings on Saturday morning. I had sent out one last week to the Executive Board and PPAC's, but it has been updated since with several changes and enhancements. 

I attended a Webinar here at work today "Small Steps Lead to Big Changes". Primarily it was relating to making changes in your life to better your health. However, growing this idea outside box makes sense too. Many of the tasks we do in ESA are huge, at times daunting. Sometimes we do not know where to start, when, or how. This is true for the many reports we will be completing in the next several months!

To complete the task, we have to figure out how to make it manageable, achievable, reasonable, and satisfiable! What I have to be reminded of... to make it small to start and link the small steps to something fun. With each step, more is completed, the outcome is timely, and enjoyable all at the same time. 

Many of you may know, I was an OB nurse by trade and taught childbirth education (Lamaze) classes 4 to 5 evenings a week for over 13 years. There were many steps to having a baby... they tend to be in a sequence; they tend to be hard; and, they tend to make a mother overwhelmed to face the entire process. It is "a kin" to running a 26-mile marathon! We have to start somewhere... we have to shoot for small goals before we can get to the big one! Therefore, I would encourage my couples, the students, to work through one contraction at a time. If they would do that, relax, breath, concentrate, and focus, they could work through the 45 to 90 second contraction to rest up for the next one. If they get through 60 seconds, they find they can work through several 60-second contractions. Then they are making it through 15 minutes of labor, then 30 minutes, and so on... One contraction at a time! One step at a time! But if the couple looked at facing the entire labor as just one task, it becomes overwhelming, too much to feel they could overcome and get to the end to have that new baby! 

Bringing a task down to achievable chunks is the way to succeed and then achieve. So when you face a huge ESA task, spend a short bit of time to assess the task. Determine how you can break it down to something you can achieve, having fun at the same time, laying that foundation; and before you realize it, you are well on the way to making it the best of the best, getting it done, and having fun at the same time.  Just some thoughts for the week! 

Now for this week's IAWL trivia question…. The question is - If George Bailey had never been born, what would Bailey Park be named? Would Bedford Falls have always been called Bedford Falls? 
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!   
Brittany Fonseca – January 17 of Kappa Kappa, District 4 
Louanne McAnally – January 19 of Delta Omicron, District 7
Jan Miller – January 20 of Pi Delta, District 1, State Installing Officer, My Presidential Advisor, and PPAC member
Elizabeth Reyes – January 20 of Alpha Beta, District 10
Janis Brown – January 21 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Tonita Williams – January 21 of Theta Alpha, District 7
Sandra Blackmon – January 22 of Epsilon Iota, District 11
If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address: 

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

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