Installation of Officers May 2013

Installation of Officers May 2013

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - January 8, 2014

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

Now that the Holidays have come and gone, I am back to the business of the Texas State Council...... One passing I want to speak of... the passing of Virginia Mankins, Zeta Nu, Kilgore and PPAC. Those of us from the "old" District 12 remember Virginia as "Mother Superior". For skits... she would even dress that way.... She was ESA all the way... a former Kilgore Rangerette, a highly educated woman, a force to be reckon with, a wife of a former Texas Legislator - the love of her life - Jimmy Earl, a mom, a grandmother, a friend, a sister and someone we could all look to for information and advice. Everyone in Texas ESA, those of us in Districts 1 and 12, her Zeta Nu sisters, will miss Virginia and of course, her PPAC pals. I want to thank Jan Miller and those from District 1/Pi Delta who were able to represent Texas ESA at Virginia's services the day before Christmas. The passing of Virginia Mankins will leave a gap in our sweet sorority... 

The February Board Meeting is just a month away. How can this be? Please send your registration in to District 11, only $20.00! District 11 has planned a WONDERFUL weekend for us, including a field trip (always love field trips) to the George W. Bush Presidential Library near SMU in Dallas. If enough of us go, the group rate will apply at either $9.00 or $10.00. Three of my family (Grammie and Grandpie Owen are taking JonBoy) are going to experience what a Presidential Library is, no matter our political beliefs. This field trip will be in the afternoon of Saturday, February 8th. If you rather go shopping, Firewheel outdoor mall is very near the Holiday Inn in Garland off the George Bush Tollway. Of course, just spend the afternoon with your state sorority sisters. The afternoon is YOURS! 

That evening, Valerie Dickens, Jr. Past President and ESA Disaster Fund Chairman, will be hosting a Bingo event benefiting the ESA Disaster Fund. More information will be coming out shortly. However, I am told that each District should be supplying two wrapped items (in gift-wrap - no bags for peeking inside) valued at $15.00 each to be used for winning Bingo prizes. I generally do not win a Bingo... but I enjoy playing and seeing how the prizes unfold! 

During the Board Meeting on Sunday, the 9th of February, we will have a donation towards the Literacy for Life campaign, as part of the Sharing and Caring Team efforts. LeeAnn Henderson will be getting me more details about this in the coming weeks. This campaign is the platform of our 2013-2014 IC President Vicky Jones. So let us get behind this... I was reading an article this morning on CNN that there is a huge gap between athletic students and their peers. This is so sad. One athlete is unable to read the news articles about himself. Another athlete cannot pronounce the state he lives in... Wisconsin. So not only do we need to support those youngsters starting school already behind, but those in school and those finishing school... going into adulthood unable to read and write!   

I know it is difficult, as a person with a form of dyslexia. Most do not know that is what I have and it was not discovered until I went back to school in the early 2000's to get another degree. It all makes sense now... the additional testing in junior high and the prospect from that being told I would not even make it to college, let alone make it through high school. Nevertheless, I worked my behind off! When I got accepted to University of California at Davis (went to Berkeley in the summers), University of Hawaii at Honolulu, and the College of St. Mary's in Oakland, as I had only applied to three colleges, I went back to the school administrator who happened to be a "chum" of my grandmother, the educator/administrator, and dropped the acceptance letters on her desk. She told me she knew I could do it! However, at that time in the 1960's, we only knew I had a learning disability and took speech therapy forever... So let us get behind the Literacy campaign when the details come forward! 

Now for last week's IAWL trivia question…. The question was - most of us know the song at the end of the movie is “Auld Lang Syne”. Do you know the name of the song that is played at the beginning of the movie? It is presented at least one more time mid-way through the movie as well… "Buffalo Gals (won't you come out tonight)". It was the "love song" of George and Mary Bailey..., played during the movie intro, when George walks Mary home after the dance, during the "love scene" when Mary starts playing the Victrola, and when George discovers Mary is "on the nest". 
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!  
Donna Johnson – January 12 of Kappa Kappa, District 4
Patti Musick – January 12 of Delta Omicron, District 7 
If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address: 

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

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