Installation of Officers May 2013

Installation of Officers May 2013

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - January 22, 2014

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

This last weekend, Owen and his sisters went to their Aunt's 90th Birthday Celebration. I was unable to go, as I was in Houston for the Convention Planning Meeting and District 2 Council Meeting. Years ago, Owen's Aunt Frances had crocheted a HUGE afghan for her mother. Somehow, the afghan got into Owen's mother's procession due to a travel motel the family had once owned in Dallas. Since we live in Owen's mother's house, it stayed with Owen. Well, to make this story shorter (yeah!) Owen gave the nearly perfect afghan for its age back to his aunt for her present. While it will go to her daughter, Frances was very touched and proud to see the work she had done so many years ago. In addition, her daughter, Zazelle, sees the legacy she will receive in the future. Zazelle sent Owen an email the next day expressing her gratitude for giving her mom something so very special. 

This brings me to Legacy...... Legacy in ESA. I am very big on that as you may remember. I am the third in a family of five who have joined ESA. My grandmother (the first, so to speak, although not the first to join... that would be my mom - Letha) was in my mom's chapter in California - Mu Chapter. Now, Letha belongs online to a Texas chapter... mine - Chi Kappa, as does my daughter, Holly, and my DESA granddaughter, Emma - five generations, four in one chapter!   

Now I realize sometimes our families maybe "tired" of hearing "don't you want to join"... I get that! Maybe there is a family member or friend that lives out of town, out of the vicinity of your chapter, but could call in, join an online chat room, skype in? I know in Sigma Iota of District 6, one member, a daughter/niece skypes in from San Antonio to chapter meetings in the Fort Worth area and other members send in reports or call in from California and other parts of the US. Chi Kappa meets in a chat room. More and more chapters are thinking outside "the box" to keep the members they have and even gain new ones or reinstatements. So do not let location, location, location be a barrier to membership, membership, membership! 

Now with that... "Be One, Get One... BOGO" Be a member and get a member is the theme for the membership drive announce by ESA Headquarters and Susanne Dullack earlier in November. The ESA website has more information about the pluses of this campaign and how to sign a commitment card for pledging a new member. If you do this, you get a special BOGO button to wear. I signed a card. You should as well. Check out the ESA website. There is always a wealth of information there!  

The visit to District 2 was WONDERFUL filled with the Convention Planning Meeting and their scheduled Business Meeting. Some of you may remember going to convention several years ago in League City, staying at the South Harbor Shore Resort. Ladies, it is just as wonderful now was it was then. There are several agenda changes for this upcoming convention to allow for some free time halfway through. Of course, there will be the expected Thursday evening events of Pre-Convention Party and several meetings and/or rehearsals. Friday is filled with two General Assemblies (including the Flag Ceremony), a Workshop with a Guest Speaker on Domestic Abuse, and the Campaign/Skit Dinner. Note, we are not having an Invitational Executive Board Luncheon. However, the Resort will have available a no-host buffet during the lunch hours for a very reasonable cost. Saturday, there is nothing scheduled in the morning, except ballot counting. So, there is time to sleep in, shop, go to Kemah, tour NASA, sit by the pool, or visit with your Texas Sisters. Saturday at noon, we kick off with the Awards Luncheon and then later move to our Banquet and Installation Ceremony. After our Memorial Service and then breakfast buffet, we convene for the third General Assembly. Breakfast Buffet is included in the room changes for each of the three days. I am looking forward to an ESA packed weekend...  ESA's... A Wonderful Life! 

The February Board Meeting is now less than a month away. Have you sent in your Registration? I have! If you have not done so, please send your registration in to District 11, only $20.00! District 11 has planned a WONDERFUL weekend for us, including a field trip (always love field trips) to the George W. Bush Presidential Library near SMU in Dallas. If enough of us go, the group rate will apply at either $9.00 or $10.00. So send in your Registration now!

During the Board Meeting on Sunday, the 9th of February, we will have a donation towards the Literacy for Life campaign, as part of the Sharing and Caring Team efforts. LeeAnn Henderson is asking that we do the following – 
“Taking steps to increase Literacy is one of our goals for this year. Our Caring and Sharing Project for Literacy for this year is to make book donations to the children in Head Start Programs. All areas of Texas need help with Literacy.  Instead of bringing books to the Garland meeting, please make donations to your local Head Start Grantee or Delegate. We want books that can be used in the school lending library. Parents have the opportunity to borrow books to read to their children.  There will be information and a form on our Texas State Council website by the end of the week. Please fill it out and show your commitment to the project. Bring the form with you to the meeting in February so we can show what an impact ESA Texas can have on Literacy in Texas.”

Karen Luchenbach, the Outstanding Youth Chair has that I remind everyone that the forms for Outstanding Jr. Youth award and the Outstanding Sr. Award is due to her by March 1 (Postmarked)  

I will have a listing of approaching deadline dates along with special dates to remember at the State Board Meeting on the last page of the pamphlet agenda we have used during this sorority year. 

Now for the answer for last week's IAWL trivia question…. The question was - If George Bailey had never been born, what would Bailey Park be named? Would Bedford Falls have always been called Bedford Falls? Bailey Park would be Potter’s Field, a cemetery. Bedford Falls would have been named Pottersville. Henry F. Potter saw himself as the true benefactor of development and the town to have everything named for himself!

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming week!  
Carolyn Hunt – January 24 of Sigma Delta, District 8
Carrie Hurd – January 25 of Epsilon Iota, District 11
Lesa Hearon – January 26 of Kappa Kappa, District 4
Lois Powers – January 26 of Sigma Epsilon, District 6
And my baby girl, Holly Henderson – January 28 of Chi Kappa, District 1 and Presidential Assistant, my daughter, my friend, and my sister in ESA!

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address: 

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

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