Installation of Officers May 2013

Installation of Officers May 2013

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ESA Wonderful Wednesday - April 30, 2014

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!  

The last of the critical deadlines and due dates are listed below! There is only one left that I am aware of….it is coming up very quickly. 
May 1, 2014 TOMORROW – ATTA Girl nominations are due to me as State President. You can certainly email the information to me – that is just perfect. I just need to have the information to properly have the awards at convention! Okay? Okay!

This month has been filled with travel and District visitations. I not only went to my own District, but I made my official visits to Districts 5 and 10. Of course, I will report on what happened during the visitations during convention. Let me say, I had fun, I slept, I ate, I learned, I just darn had a great time. I want to say that all of my visitations have been WONDERFUL. It is a joy to have traveled the state and meet so many blessed Sisters in ESA. I was welcomed with open arms and hearts. Thank you Sisters for the joy and love!

Off and on during the year, I have blogged about leadership, planning, friendship, etc. I saw something the other day on what it takes to be a leader. Much like what David Letterman would do… Here are the top 10 reasons for being a WONDERFUL leader!

1. Courage,
2. Self-control,
3. Justice,
4. Definitiveness of decision,
5. Definitiveness of plans,
6. Habit of doing more than asked or paid for,
7. A pleasing personality,
8. Sympathy and understanding,
9. Mastery of details...,

And the number 10 reason for being a WONDERFUL leader is…
10. Willingness to take responsibility.

This list comes from words of wisdom blog posting by Malik Mirza in 2010. I agree with the list. I believe I have these qualities, some of which are stronger than others, perhaps a nice blend. I know there are many, many in ESA who are leaders that have these leadership qualities. I am proud to have served with those Ladies in my Chapter, my District and State Councils, and in certain aspects of International Council. To those I have worked with in ESA, thank you for your leadership! You have helped me grow as a leader, a member, and as a person!

Speaking of convention, remember to send in your registration for an Angel-filled weekend of Texas ESA, education, service, and association. We will have it all there for you! So send in that form and check to be a part of a WONDERFUL convention! District II has been working hard planning, preparing, and putting it all together to make our weekend pretty darn spectacular. 

At Convention, Friday afternoon, we will have a special donation to The Bridge Over Troubled Waters of Houston that supports Domestic Crisis. This is their website, “”. Last week, I explained their mission in last week’s posting. But I want to include the types of donations The Bridge needs. 
Toiletries & especially feminine products, and
Gift cards to Walmart, Target, etc. 

In addition, for this convention year, for Service Awards and Pallas Athene Recognition, we are going to use a form to capture all of that information and keep us organized. Please use the form available on the Texas ESA Website OR send an email to or contact our Corresponding Secretary, Joyce Smith. She will be able to provide you the form and any information you may need to help us celebrate with you! In addition, we want to celebrate!

Recipes are coming in…. Thank you so much…. I hope what I am planning will work out next year. Please remember to bring or even send your recipes to me before, during, or just after convention. You are welcome to email, mail, or hand them to me personally. I am planning to begin working on my duties as Jr. Past President/Disaster Fund Chairman right after convention. It will include a special project. Your recipes will play a crucial part in my project. So keep them coming!

Okay, Owen let me know a couple of days ago that I had forgotten to answer the IAWL Trivia Question on 4/16/2014. I am sorry…. Time is traveling fast these last couple of weeks…. 

The 4/16/2014 Blog Question: Did you figure out last week’s IAWL Trivia Question… Why did George Bailey jump into the river in Bedford Falls? Most believe it was George wanting to jump off the bridge to end his life. However, in actuality, George jumped into the river to save Clarence’s life. Did you guess? Some did! THE ANSWER – George jumped into the river to save Clarence’s life. Clarence jumped into the river to prevent George from committing suicide. 

The 4/23/2014 Blog Question… When George Bailey came home after seeing Mr. Potter to borrow money, George and Mary’s children were wearing something around their necks. What were they wearing? THE ANSWER – They were wearing opaque Santa Claus masks.

Therefore, here is this week’s IAWL Trivia Question: Uncle Billy had a pet. What is the pet and the name of the pet?

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to the following sisters (and brothers) for the coming weeks, through the end of April!  
Nalley Prudencio-Olveda – May 3 of Delta Chi, District 4
Ren Goins – May 4 of Lambda Nu, District 5
Jenny Barker – May 5 of Alpha Tau, District 6
Nancy Hall – May 5 of Rho Theta, District 1
Kane Pierce – May 6 of Lambda Nu, District 5

If you desire to get the blog postings sooner than later, please let me know by email at and I will add you to a mailing group list I have set up. To see the blog, click on the following address: 

Remember, ESA's . . . A Wonderful Life!
Love and hugs to all Every Day Angels,
sue ann

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